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Industry 4.0: Opportunity or risk?

Industry 4.0 and the shift to "smart factories" offers unimagined opportunities for German industry, for example through the implementation of remote maintenance for control systems, fully automated production processes or intelligent logistics. At the same time, modernisation makes industrial systems more vulnerable than ever before.

The merging of corporate IT and industrial OT is a particular risk. Malware that repeatedly compromises operational networks can now also be transferred to industrial networks via new interfaces and attack them. Legacy software, often indispensable for the operation of older industrial machines, is also usually not patchable. Known but unrecoverable security vulnerabilities make these devices particularly dangerous to the integrity of the industrial infrastructure.

Fließband mit zwei Roboterarmen im Cartoon-Stil

What is Industrial Security?

Industrial security, also known as OT security, refers to the protection of ICS and SCADA systems against the threats of tomorrow. A distinction is made here between purely monitoring solutions (industrial monitoring), monitoring and intervening solutions (industrial firewalls) and retrofitting solutions (industrial hardening). Depending on the solution, these can be installed and put into operation without interfering with ongoing production operations.

When choosing solutions, we rely on products from both international and European manufacturers. This is the only way we can create a security concept tailored to your needs and ensure the best possible protection for your industrial facilities.

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Industrial monitoring
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Industrial firewall
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Industrial hardening
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